Wednesday, July 9, 2014


Hi everyone....may God's grace be with you!

Since the fall of Adam and Eve, God gave the promise to fully restore the lost fullness of communion with Him - the intimate union of wills between Our Beloved Creator and His children.  When the Promise is completed, it will be the fulfillment of the Our Father prayer - Thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven:  this will be the key to the power of prayer and reparation that will be the Divine Impetus to evangelize the world for the Second Coming. 

Here are a few links from my previous emails that provides more insight to the Gift of Living the Divine Will.  A favorite of St Padre Pio, I recommend looking at the "Hours of the Passion."  Jesus calls us to be more than a witness, but as a means of reparation, to engage intimately and intensely the experience of his interior Life as he underwent His Passion.  Just follow the links below; a hard copy can be purchased from an online bookstore.  Enjoy! 

The Blessed Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will  -- You will find the links to the Hours of the Passion (A favorite of St Padre Pio), The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will (Our Blessed Mother's lessons on living the Gift of the Divine Will) and a Bookstore (To purchase a hard copy of Luisa Piccarreta's writings).

Also, here are a few messages from our Blessed Mother to Fr Gobbi, as She prepares the Church and the world for the Day of the Lord when Jesus returns as judge and to usher His Glorious Eucharistic Reign.

May God's Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven....Fiat!!!

Gerry Aboyme

** The Early Christians Believed in the Real Presence **Click here **  &  ** The Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary coincides with the Glorious Eucharistic Reign of Christ in an era of holiness & grace, peace, justice and love on earth. * This will be the fulfillment of the Our Father prayer - "Thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven" - in The Kingdom of The Divine Will. ** Click here **    

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