Saturday, October 12, 2013

The Super and Limitless Abundance of God's Grace in the Kingdom of the Divine Will

Hello everyone...may our Heavenly Father's love be always with you and your family!

Living the Gift of the Divine Will is entirely on a different level compared to simply living by Grace.  In fact it's God's grace in super and limitless abundance and it's entirely new because it's never before been given until its universal availability beginning with Luisa Piccarreta, (1865-1947).  That's why John Paul II said it's a new spirituality for the Church and why Benedict XVI honors St. Annibale di Francia, as the first canonized saint of the Divine Will, by installing his statue at St. Peter's Square in the Vatican.  St. Padre Pio, a most venerable saint for today, is ascribed also to intimately live the Gift of the Divine Will as found in Luisa Piccarreta's writing, The Book of Heaven.  It's doing God's will with God's will Itself.

Simply, we are to express our heartfelt desire to God in order to live the Gift of his Will.  The idea is to enter into the infinite, perfect and eternal dimension of the Divine Will Itself and thereby claim for ourselves the capacity to return the love that the Heavenly Father has for each of us in the requital of love that He greatly desires from all of his children. Therefore, we can love the Most Holy Trinity beyond measure with His own love, pass the limitation of our human capacity; and love, adore, praise, bless, and give thanks to Him in the order of the infinite, perfect and eternal dimension of His Divine Will. By entering into the Divine Will, our prayers then reach the level of universality that affects all of mankind past, present and future.

We can astoundingly add our "I love you,  I adore you, I praise you, I bless you, I give you thanks" to the Most Holy Trinity to the acts of every person who lived, who is alive today, and who will live in the future, thereby making up for the unfortunate loss of love and trust that God suffers from all individuals because of sin, unbelief, indifference or ignorance. The redemptive Blood of Jesus Christ can be universally distributed to all humanity because each act in living the gift of the Divine Will becomes a consecration of the Eucharistic Presence of Jesus that is made available to shower the benefits of God's blessings to all.  In the ministerial priestly consecration of the bread and wine Jesus is limited to the number of available hosts. However, by His own consecration of His Eucharistic Life through the acts of those beloved, who live the gift of the Divine Will, the number of Divine Lives becomes unlimited and the potential of God's grace shared around the world is limitless!  Such is the power of this sublime gift which will be the strong and merciful hand of God to move all of humanity to the complete reunion of love with Him, as is in the case prior to the fall of our human nature, into an era of holiness, love, harmony and justice.

This is the ideal and appropriate spirituality for our very unsettling times and is the most sanctifying that one will find in the Church whereby other spiritualities will find it's source. When lived, through the moments of our lives, through the daily routines, times of joy, accomplishment of our responsibilities, in our prayers, and in the large and small crosses of our sufferings, this Gift of the Divine Will becomes the ultimate form of reparation; and will create saints of the highest order whose holy and sacrificial lives will tip the balance of grace to move the Heavenly Father's merciful hand to usher the fulfillment of the Our Father, Thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven, through the Second Coming of His Son and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!  This is the reason why Jesus gave us to pray the Our Father:  to ask our Heavenly Father for His Reign of Love on earth.  Imagine the power of evangelization due to the power of this gift.  The gift, given to Luisa on 8 September 1889, marks the beginning of the era of the Kingdom of Divine Will on earth where we in this generation can be counted among the first children of the Divine Will!  Indeed upon the Lord's Return, everyone who enters into the New Paradise, will live the Divine Will.

Servant of God is now officially Luisa Piccarreta's title because her cause for beatification is opened.  The two theological sensors, assigned by the Holy See to investigate, approved her writings.  The theological basis of living the gift of the Divine Will as found in Luisa's writings, The Book of Heaven, is now sanctioned by the Church and cannot be dismissed because Reverend Joseph Iannuzzi successfully defended his doctoral thesis of living the Gift at the Pontifical University in Rome.  It's available in book form and you can purchase it at  It's a great read.  An effort is being made to make it available to all bishops in order to get the Church behind this pivotal movement of the Holy Spirit.

Tony Hickey, who works with Fr. Iannuzzi, will travel again from Great Britain, to host a Divine Will retreat in New Jersey, November 9 and 10, 2013.  If you wish to love the Most Holy Trinity in an ever increasing measure, experience the joy of living the fullness of the Humanity of Jesus Christ on earth, participate with the work of the Holy Spirit for the preparation of the Lord's Return, and to be counted among the first children of the Kingdom of the Divine Will, please consider the spirituality that Jesus gives to our generation. Come to the retreat and gain greater insight. To prepare, please familiarize yourself with the basic concepts by referring to the primer prepared by Tony Hickey found below, along with the details on the retreat itself.  I myself will stay in touch to share with you insights which will help us live this most sublime Gift of God.

Divine Will Primer - Click here
Retreat Details (Nov 2013)- Click here
My blog and previous emails - Click here
Email me -

May God bless us all...Fiat Voluntas Tua!

Gerry Aboyme

** The Early Christians Believed in the Real Presence **Click here **  &  ** The Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary coincides with the Glorious Eucharistic Reign of Christ in an era of holiness & grace, peace, justice and love on earth. * This will be the fulfillment of the Our Father prayer - "Thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven" - in The Kingdom of The Divine Will. ** Click here **   

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Monday, October 7, 2013

Mary's role in the Glorious Return of Her Son

God's peace to everyone!

I thought you might enjoy reading this Our Mother Co-redemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate.  (Btw if you've heard some confusion about Fr Gobbi's interior locution this defense would help explain things).  The Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary coincides with the Glorious Eucharistic Reign of Christ, if you would like to read this as well.

Gerry Aboyme

** The Early Christians Believed in the Real Presence **Click here **  &  ** The Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary coincides with the Glorious Eucharistic Reign of Christ in an era of holiness & grace, peace, justice and love on earth. * This will be the fulfillment of the Our Father prayer - "Thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven" - in The Kingdom of The Divine Will. ** Click here **