Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Fiat Voluntas Tua....Email Library


The 24 Hours of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ and Living the Gift of the Divine Will

The Writings of Luisa Piccarreta, "The Book of Heaven" and the Gift of Living the Divine Will

The Kingdom of the Divine Will and the Baby Jesus

Praise be to Jesus...and may God bless you all!

The Nine Excesses of Love of Jesus during his Incarnation is an amazing read.  God the Son, reduces himself as the Infant Jesus and by way of his simplistic, sweet approach, begins the arduous and painful effort to win back his lost children, spanning all generations.  God's excessive love to capture our hearts, at all costs and to do so starting as an infant in his Mama's womb, is the quintessential Baby Jesus to praise, bless, love, adore and to offer reparation and thanksgiving!

St Annibale Di Francia, first canonized saint of the Divine Will, writes to Luisa Piccarreta to comment about the Nine Excesses of Love narrative:

Most esteemed one in the Lord,

I also tell that in reading the nine Exercises of Christmas, of which we have already prepared the proofs, one remains astounded at the immense Love and the immense suffering of Our blessed Lord Jesus Christ for love of us, and for the salvation of souls.  I have never read in any other book on this topic a Revelation so touching and penetrating!

Fiat Voluntus Tua as it is in Heaven so in Earth!

Gerry Aboyme

** The Early Christians Believed in the Real Presence **Click here **  &  ** The Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary coincides with the Glorious Eucharistic Reign of Christ in an era of holiness & grace, peace, justice and love on earth. * This will be the fulfillment of the Our Father prayer - "Thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven" - in The Kingdom of The Divine Will. ** Click here **    

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The Blessed Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will

Hello everyone...may God's blessings be with you!

Mary's role is MAJOR in The Kingdom of the Divine Will where we find the fulfillment of the Our Father, "Thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven."  Fiat Voluntus Tua as in Heaven so in earth.

Our Lord Jesus leaves us a comprehensive revelation of the spirituality of the Divine Will with Luisa Piccarreta and is documented in her book, "The Book of Heaven."  Pope John Paul II states that the Divine Will is a new spirituality for the Church.  Pope Benedict XVI honors St. Hannibal Di Francia, who is considered to be the first canonized Divine Will saint and who was one of Luisa's confessors, as well as being one of  the two theological sensors assigned by the Holy See to investigate and approve the writings of Luisa Piccarreta, by placing his statue at St. Peter's Square.  St. Padre Pio, a contemporary of Luisa Piccarreta, also followed closely her writings, while the cause for her beatification is currently on going. 

Folks, The Kingdom of the Divine Will, is the realization of the Second Coming of Christ in which God, in His infinite wisdom and power, finally returns humanity to the sanctity found in the original creation:  the Garden of Eden, the intimate union of the creature and her Creator as God originally intended through the dominion of the Divine Will within the soul. 

You can explore and study Mary's definitive role in helping us to be, in possession of and to live the Divine Will, from Luisa's writings in the following links. 

I want to leave you with a quote from St. Hannibal Di Francia, the first saint of the Divine Will:  

"This science of the Divine Will will form Saints of a perfection more sublime than that of all the Saints who ever existed.  And if this expression should seem exaggerated to some, I want to invite them to read the treaty on True Devotion to the Most Holy Virgin Mary by Blessed [now Saint] Louis Marie Grignon de Montfort, in which they will find a page where it is written that men would arise in the Holy Church of a sanctity before which the greatest saints of the Church will be but shrubs before gigantic trees."

May God Bless you all...Fiat Voluntas Tua!

Gerry Aboyme

** The Early Christians Believed in the Real Presence **Click here **  &  ** The Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary coincides with the Glorious Eucharistic Reign of Christ in an era of holiness & grace, peace, justice and love on earth. * This will be the fulfillment of the Our Father prayer - "Thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven" - in The Kingdom of The Divine Will. ** Click here **